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In order to broaden the scope and enhance the quality of training given to our students the University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Food Research Institute (CSIR), Accra. The terms in this MoU are such that the third year students will spend six weeks of the second semester at 'the Food Research Institute before embarking on their industrial attachment to the Food and Beverages industries. The attachment is to expose the students to several analytical methodologies and equipments in the field of Food Science and Technology.

The Department is also involved in several collaborative research with the Crops Research Institute which has led to the development of several products from Sweetpotato in the Sweetpotato project.

The Department is involved in the Root and Tuber Value Chain Project being conducted here in Ghana, and with Danish patners. The project aims at promoting the growth and performance of the Ghanaian Root and Tuber sector, to engender employment generation, improve incomes and household food security in the medium to long-term.

Currnently, the Department is also involved in a project funded by IFAD and implemented by The Royal Institution for Advancement of Learning of McGill University. The PI is Dr. Micheal Ngadi, co-PI is Prof Oduro and Administrative Contact is Dr. Mrs. F. D. Wireko-Manu. The title of the project is Improving quality, nutrition and health: Impacts of inclusion of cassava flours in bread formulations in West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria) - The Ghanaian focus. It started in February 2015 and would end in March 2016.