Message from the Head of Department

On behalf of the Staff, students and stakeholders, I welcome you to the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) in the best University, globally known for the provision of Quality Education (SDG 4). Our Department is one of the most proactive and engaging departments in the Faculty of Biosciences, within the College of Science. The 2023/2024 Academic Year promises to be an exciting and impactful one, as the Department plans to celebrate its 10th anniversary since it became a fully-fledged Department (after being nurtured by the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology from 1993 to 2014).
Our Food Science and Technology training programs combine the application of science (biology, chemistry and engineering) of foods and hands-on training (lab. /field practical and industrial internships), to inspire students’ creativity and innovation. With passion and enthusiasm, students are equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills and inspiration to create, manage and solve food-related problems in a more sustainable manner. In recent times, emphasis have been placed on fostering academia-industry interactions, entrepreneurial skills, student-centeredness, among others to produce graduates who are empowered and ready to re-define the future of food (locally and globally). This is what we offer at the Department of Food Science and Technology. Our past students (Food Scientists/Technologists) are found across the globe, contributing their quota to national and global development as they develop and manage food resources for humans and animals. This programme offers diverse disciplines for future educational and career choices.
Our staffs, both teaching and non- teaching are committed to support you succeed. We believe you will also work hard and allow yourself to be shaped/groomed by the variety of engagements. Remember to have in mind and act accordingly as you stick to our core values (Integrity, Discipline, Excellence, Teamwork, Dedication to work). Be intentional also, about your choices, for they will either make or unmake you. I wish you the very best. Enjoy an experiential learning experience, and God bless us all!!